Coquet Island Shellfish
Coquet Enterprise Park
NE65 0PE
Tel. 01665 712390
Fax. 01665 711551
Covid-19 Update for Coquet Island Shellfish
Principles for re-opening.
We are committed to reopening in a calm and well organised manner,which reassures all staff that the factory is a safe place to work, and that all government guidance is followed carefully.
We are committed to supporting the welfare and wellbeing of our staff.
Protective measures
Our rationale is to minimise the number of contacts within the workplace and therefore staff numbers will initially be reduced in size to enable social distancing to be maintained
Staff will be issued with PPE and we will follow government guidance to ensure -
Regular handwashing
Regular cleaning of surfaces
Staggered breaks and lunches
Social distancing on the factory floor
A revised process flow
Any staff member exhibiting symptoms of Covid will be asked to remain at home and self-isolate.
As the situation evolves and further government guidance is issued, we will update this information.